Alexander Massart
Systems Designer
When Wardens Fall
Game Design
Systems Design
Level Design
When Wardens Fall is a VR game available on Steam, which brings Dark Fantasy to the VR platform. I designed the modular alchemy system which allows players to mix and match ingredients to create their desire alchemical effect. I also designed the melee damage system which allows players to experience the same impact in VR as they would in non-VR games. In addition I was responsible for designing the Levels featured in the procedural dungeons as well as the large Camp area that acts as the player hub.
Modular Crafting System
Level Design
Damage System
Weapon Balancing
Developed Using Unreal Engine 4
Game Design
Systems Design
Beat Em' Up Player Character
Multiple Modular AI
Animation Blending and Events
Developed Using Unreal Engine 4
In year 4, Sheridan requires game design students to make a vertical slice of a game in 8 months. My group created Comabticon. My primary responsible for Combaticon was to handle all of the programming. Through this project I gained experience with animation events and AI. Lastly, I designed the dodge mechanic and impact system for the game.
Crystal's Coffee
Game Design
Crystal’s Coffee was a personal project I worked on other members of the Sheridan game design program. I was responsible for programming and AI Design for the game. This game was my first endeavour at AI in a Unity game that did not use grid based navigation.
Player Controller
AI Design and Implementation
Developed Using Unity